Sports Massage
Sports massage is manual manipulation of the muscle structures, which focuses specifically on helping people who have physically demanding lifestyles and/or hobbies. This kind of therapeutic massage considers the impact of certain activities on specific joints, muscle groups, tendons, ligaments, and soft tissue groups. The conscious focus of sports massage therapy maximizes the benefit of certain massage techniques and supports further physical exertion and activity. An initial assessment is used to create a specially informed massage therapy plan that will meet each individual athlete’s specific needs.
Recovering from a destructive injury or physical strain is different for every athlete. The specific recovery program will depend on the athlete's personal medical history, and what sport they play or physical activity they engage in. For example, the recovery of a soccer injury will likely be different than that of a tennis player. Consequently, their massages are going to be different, as well. Sports massage therapy can be customized based on specific needs, challenges, and injuries. The ability to identify and treat specific physical weaknesses can have a great impact on athletic performance.
Another part of athletic recovery that is enhanced by sports massage therapy is the release and removal of toxins from the muscles. When the muscles are engaged for long periods of time and the body is challenged, lactic acid can build up and toxins can begin to affect certain tissues. This lactic acid increase can create painful knots and uncomfortable binding throughout the body. A toxic build-up can decrease athletic ability quickly and significantly. It can also affect areas of life outside of sport or activity. Lactic acid can be problematic in day-to-day movements and tasks, though it is hardly the only toxin the muscles and tissues store. Sports massage therapy helps work and loosen the muscle fibers of overworked areas to relieve lactic acid, along with all of the other painful toxins in the muscles and tissues, so that the body can remove and discard them quickly and efficiently.
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